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body axis meaning in Hindi

body axis sentence in Hindi

body    द्रव्यमान समूह
axis    तना अक्ष अक्ष-रेखा
1.This diagram shows " lift " as perpendicular to the longitudinal body axis.

2.Body axis straight ( Sublette et al . 1990 ).

3.Labidognathous chelicerae moves at right angles to the body axis.

4.The yaw is about the vertical body axis, positive with the nose to starboard.

5.The AVE is an extra-embryonic tissue, key to the establishment of the anterior-posterior body axis.

6.During glide flight, the lizard's body axis and tail are straightened to maximize flight distance.

7.Convergence and extension of these tissues squeezes the blastopore shut and simultaneously elongate the body axis.

8.The moth's body axis allows it to be more sensitive to sounds coming from particular directions.

9.However, elongation of the body axis seems to be primarily linked to changes in cell neighbor relations.

10.In addition, the abdomen is elevated to 45-60 degrees above the body axis and the genitalia are extruded.

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How to say body axis in Hindi and what is the meaning of body axis in Hindi? body axis Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.